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Transforming Chronic Care: Evidence about improving care for people with long-term conditions

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 14/03/2011 13:09

This research report summarises the evidence from high quality studies of initiatives to improve chronic care undertaken in a variety of health care systems.

Singh D. Transforming Chronic Care: Evidence about improving care for people with long-term conditions. Birmingham: Health Services Management Centre, School of Social Policy,
University of Birmingham; 2005. Available at: http://www.download.bham.ac.uk/hsmc/pdf/transforming_chronic_care.pdf



The report covers a wide range of initiatives including broad chronic care programmes, integrated care initiatives, case management, the targeting of people at high risk, patient involvement in decisions, and self management education.

Singh D.

Patient education and self-management support Collaborative document