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A survey of older Hong Kong people's perceptions of telecommunication technologies and telecare devices

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 3/02/2011 12:12

They investigated how older Hong Kong people perceive the application of telecommunication technologies in products that could enhance their safety at home. The telecare devices in the present study were: (1) the Personal Emergency Link Service (PELS), a 24-hour personal emergency link service; (2) a home-based non-intrusive motion monitoring system; and (3) a wearable vital signs monitoring system.

Lai CKY, Chung JCC, Leung NKL, Wong JCT, Mak DPS. A survey of older Hong Kong people's perceptions of telecommunication technologies and telecare devices. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2010; 16(8): 441-446. Available at: http://jtt.rsmjournals.com/content/vol16/issue8/



Data were collected from a convenience sample of 368 elderly persons aged 65 years or above from 15 District Elderly Community Centres in Hong Kong, through a structured questionnaire administered during face-to-face interviews by trained interviewers. All three telecare devices were generally perceived as useful by the elderly participants: the PELS by 96% of them, the home-based non-intrusive monitoring system by 91% and the wearable vital signs monitoring system by 84%. However, although many respondents were positive about the function and usefulness of these devices, they stated that they would not personally use them. Technological innovations need to be perceived by the elderly as relevant to their everyday lives.

Lai CKY, Chung JCC, Leung NKL, Wong JCT, Mak DPS.
