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Proyecto CROBI: El impacto psicosocial de las enfermedades crónicas

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados — 20/11/2023

Índice de Bienestar Psico-social (IBPS)

Other Organization

El proyecto CROBI está dirigido a aquellas personas con patologías crónicas que deseen conocer cómo afecta su enfermedad a su salud psicosocial. Esta escala también sirve de referencia estándar aplicable en estudios observacionales o de calidad de vida, por lo que además va dirigida a profesionales sanitarios como herramienta adicional en la monitorización del paciente en la práctica clínica habitual; sin olvidar que también resulta útil para la administración, con el fin de que se den soluciones a las necesidades que destacan los resultados de CROBI y se incorporen tanto en el ámbito sanitario como social.


Fragility, pluripathology/polipathology and/or complex chronic diseases, patologia social

Goals Prevention:
Funding for detection programs , Creates healthy environments , Promotes health and wellbeing in schools and early years , Promotes adecuate understanding levels on the community about the importance of prevention , Focuses on social inequalities
Goals Detection:
Promotes early intervention through primary health care measures , Provides registries and patients contact systems , Shows new evidence on the importance of early detection, including guidelines of effective practices , Advances public education on the importance of early detection
Goals Treatment:
Develop basic elements for an integrated health system , Provides support health policies to facilitate the planning and integration at locally and regionally , Strengthens cooperative local groups to provide integral services , Improving access to health services across the entire spectrum, from prevention to treatment , Ensures the best quality of health services , Promotes the appropriate use of medicines , Promotes the training of health professionals , It facilitates the management by processes , Emphasizes the care of pluri-pathological and fragile patients , Promotes electronic health information systems to improve the quality of care
Goals self-management:
Refocuses the health system to support self-management , Promotes patient involvement in planning services , Improving support services with an emphasis on peer support, the disabled and carers , Allows home care , Allows remote support to patients and their carers from health professionals


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