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ALADDIN: A home care system for the efficient monitoring of elderly people with dementia.

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados — 18/05/2012


Other Organization

Aladdin project intends to progress "state-of-the-art" in integration of existing technological solutions, in order to address a field that even though induces a significant burden both socially and economically has not been successfully coped with.

Dementia, All

Goals Prevention:
Creates healthy environments , Promotes adecuate understanding levels on the community about the importance of prevention
Goals Detection:
Provides registries and patients contact systems , Advances public education on the importance of early detection
Goals Treatment:
Develop basic elements for an integrated health system , Provides support health policies to facilitate the planning and integration at locally and regionally , Strengthens cooperative local groups to provide integral services , Promotes the appropriate use of medicines , It facilitates the management by processes , Emphasizes the care of pluri-pathological and fragile patients , Promotes electronic health information systems to improve the quality of care
Goals self-management:
Refocuses the health system to support self-management , Promotes patient involvement in planning services , Improving support services with an emphasis on peer support, the disabled and carers , Allows home care , Allows remote support to patients and their carers from health professionals

This field includes both patients suffering from dementia as well as their carers who run the risk of developing depression symptoms themselves and must face social withdrawal and heavy private additional costs. It aims to develop and validate an innovative model/methodology for health promotion, risk assessment, prevention and sustainable impact of self-management tools and education for patients suffering from dementia and their care-givers; it aims to support (or at least delay as much as possible) the non-institutionalisation of such patients via providing them and their carers with the necessary tools to efficiently manage their disease and formulate an efficient home care strategy so that healthcare systems and health institutions become key players in this procedure.

The main idea of the proposed project lies behind three simple processes:

  • Development and validation of self-management tools for an improved and sustained quality of self-management of dementia.
  • Development and validation of a methodology for risk assessment and analysis of adverse events related to home-based treated patients suffering from dementia as well as their care-givers, aiming at the formulation of a home care strategy.
  • Development and validation of tools for social networking between patients suffering from dementia as well as between their carers, thus enabling the exchanging of experiences with persons in similar situations.

The aim of the project is to utilise state-of-the-art in ICT in order to develop an innovative integrated solution for the self-management of patients suffering from dementia, and develop innovative tools to support this procedure. This solution can be conceived as an integrated platform which will enable distant monitoring of patient status and facilitate personalised intervention and adaptive care for these patients. This platform will actually constitute a middleware solution that can be used on top of existing Hospital Management Systems, so as to increase their efficiency and provide the means for the formulation of strategies. The project also aspires to establish a network for assessing, communicating and appropriately managing information related to patients suffering from dementia, targeting the improved and sustained quality of self-management practices.






Heroon Polytechniou 9,

Practices Map



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