Research Center of Excellence in Chronicity Kronikgune

Research Center of Excellence in Chronicity Kronikgune created with the aim of becoming a world reference body in the study on sustainable responses to health and social systems against chronicity.
Fragility, pluripathology/polipathology and/or complex chronic diseases
- Goals Prevention:
- Funding for detection programs , Promotes health and wellbeing in schools and early years , Promotes adecuate understanding levels on the community about the importance of prevention , Focuses on social inequalities
- Goals Detection:
- Promotes early intervention through primary health care measures , Provides registries and patients contact systems , Shows new evidence on the importance of early detection, including guidelines of effective practices , Advances public education on the importance of early detection
- Goals Treatment:
- Develop basic elements for an integrated health system , Provides support health policies to facilitate the planning and integration at locally and regionally , Strengthens cooperative local groups to provide integral services , Improving access to health services across the entire spectrum, from prevention to treatment , Ensures the best quality of health services , Promotes the appropriate use of medicines , Promotes the training of health professionals
- Goals self-management:
- Refocuses the health system to support self-management , Promotes patient involvement in planning services , Improving support services with an emphasis on peer support, the disabled and carers , Allows home care , Allows remote support to patients and their carers from health professionals
The Center will bring together some of the world's leading experts in this area of knowledge, from the Basque Country studied the effects of chronicity and the possible ways to transform this challenge into opportunity.
- Departamento de Salud, Gobierno Vasco. Osakidetza Organization
- Instituto Vasco de Innovación Sanitaria (O+berri/Bioef) Organization
- La cronicidad en Euskadi Link
- Servicio Vasco de Salud. Osakidetza Organization
- Una sociedad envejecida en busca del modelo asistencial, a debate en San Sebastián News Item
- Nace Kronikgune, un centro único de excelencia internacional para mejorar la calidad de vida de enfermos crónico News Item
- Creado un nuevo centro para investigar la atención a los pacientes crónicos News Item
- PRESENTACIONES de la Mesa de Estratificación de riesgos en personas con enfermedades crónicas. SEMFYC: Granada, 6-8 de junio de 2013 Event Item
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