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Chronic diseases community

Las comunidades de práctica son la base para la creación y desarrollo de contenidos en colaboración.

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  1. ¿Cómo crear una comunidad de práctica virtual en OPIMEC?
  2. ¿Cómo crear un documento colaborativo en de una comunidad de práctica?
  3. ¿Cómo crear un foro en una comunidad de práctica en OPIMEC?
  4. ¿Cómo subir un fichero o un enlace dentro de una comunidad de práctica?
    1. Cómo subir un fichero o un enlace dentro de una comunidad de práctica - See more at: http://www.opimec.org/multimedia/2969/como-subir-un-fichero-o-un-enlace-dentro-de-una-comunidad-de-practica/#sthash.fELiDKPu.dpuf
Integrated care

12 members - Show description

This website will collaboratively develop one of the chapters of the first book in the world about Complex Chronic Disease. Overall assessment can document and its sections, and add comments ...

9 members - Show description

This website will collaboratively develop one of the chapters of the first book in the world about Complex Chronic Disease. Overall assessment can document and its sections, and add comments ...

Study of patients with Polypathology and Older - Spanish Society of Internal Medicine

5 members - Show description

Study Group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine. All members are interested in training and research in this emerging population of patients with polypathology and older.

As a member ...

EASP. Andalusian School of Public Health

10 members - Show description

Andalusian School of Public Health team. Junta de Andalucía
Patient education

18 members - Show description

This site has been designed to facilitate the development of one of the chapters of a book that distills the best available knowledge on the management of complex chronic diseases ...
Supportive and palliative care

14 members - Show description

This website will collaboratively develop one of the chapters of the first book in the world about Complex Chronic Disease. Overall assessment can document and its sections, and add comments ...
Prevention and health promotion

14 members - Show description

This site has been designed to facilitate the development of one of the chapters of a book that distills the best available knowledge on the management of complex chronic diseases ...
Grupo para el Estudio de Pacientes Pluripatológicos y Enfermedades Avanzadas del Área Hospitalaria Virgen del Rocío

14 members - Show description

The language of polypathology

11 members - Show description

This website will collaboratively develop one of the chapters of the first book in the world about Complex Chronic Disease. Overall assessment can document and its sections, and add comments ...


ACCEDA al libro "Cuando las personas viven con múltiples enfermedades crónicas" y PARTICIPE en sus comunidades.

ACCCEDA al Plan Andaluz de Atención Integrada a Pacientes con Enfermedades Crónicas (PAAIPEC) y PARTICIPE.

Redes de Formación de Profesionales de Salud Pública de Andalucía.

Acceda a los videos del VI Congreso Nacional de Atención Sanitaria al Paciente Crónico. I Conferencia Nacional de Pacientes Activos - See more at: http://www.opimec.org/actuales/eventos/2872/vi-congreso-nacional-de-atencion-sanitaria-al-paciente-cronico-i-conferencia-nacional-del-paciente-experto/#sthash.jbTeJjnq.dpuf

CONTRIBUYA al glosario de términos de enfermedades crónicas complejas.

CONOZCA el Informe de actividad online OPIMEC.

Vea la presentación de OPIMEC, sobre comunidades de práctica y sobre formación.

Cómo crear una comunidad de práctica virtual en OPIMEC - See more at: http://www.opimec.org/multimedia/2967/como-crear-una-comunidad-de-practica-virtual-en-opimec/#sthash.Jzfj1a55.dpuf