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The Minister of Health of the Basque country advocates a healthcare system for chronic, incompatible with the current model

editor Equipo editorial last modified 17/12/2009 10:06

The minister of Health of the Basque Government, Rafael Bengoa, this term is intended to lay the foundations for reform that needs our health system, where the Basque Health Service, as it is structured to cope with chronic illness, something incompatible with the model currently in force based on acute care.

In an event organized by the consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, in collaboration with Oracle software multinational, Rafael Bengoa spoke of the 'new horizons of health in the Basque Country', in a speech which surprised many attendees had been given appointment as knowing they were going to hear something different, and matched. Bengoa, who claimed to be aware of the 'mess that was going to put', and would not see the end result, not only offered a different tone than he usually does most of the managers of care health services, but above all, presented a very different message.

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Acta Sanitaria

Departamento de Salud, Gobierno Vasco. Osakidetza Organization