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editor Equipo editorial last modified 19/11/2009 13:13

International workshop on Mobilizing health information to support healthcare-related knowledge work - MobiHealthInf 2010 aims to created bridges between diverse technical areas of mobile and wireless computing, software and hardware (like sensors) advancement, electronic health record developments and those areas related to IS more broadly like IS implementation studies management of IS, Computer-supported collaborative working (CSCW) and Knowledge management/work over a common idea, that of mobilizing health information to improve healthcare provision. The idea is to study each individual contribution paper (more than one is acceptable in any topic) collectively trying to identify how it relates with moving from "classic" clinical information systems to clinical knowledge work tools.

While much research in health informatics has focused on desktop-based infrastructures, the advent of wireless and mobile computing poses new challenges to those in health organizations wishing to get the best out of these new technologies. One of the challenges is on how to integrate Mobile Information and Communication technology (MICT) into existing Clinical/Hospital information systems. Another is how to integrate novelties from areas of sensors, remote monitoring, as well as data-mining and data-sharing capabilities into coherent and novel health information systems. By choosing to focus on information/knowledge use/sharing - thus mobilizing of health information - rather then just the technological solutions or the organizational/managerial issues only this workshop will serve as a arena of discussion for socio-technical enhancements of health information systems that are better capable of supporting the critical knowledge work functions in healthcare.

22/01/2010 00:00

23/01/2010 00:00




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