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Enabling allied health professionals to lead and shape new models of care

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 3/12/2015 14:15

This conference examines the key role that AHPs play in working across organisational boundaries; cutting across and delivering services differently in the following areas: prevention, public health services and integrated out-of-hospital care.

The following key issues will be addressed:

  • how AHPs can work best with commissioners and other health and care professionals
  • boosting AHPs’ powers to prescribe drugs to relieve pressure on primary care
  • how do we tackle workforce development issues for AHPs?
  • best practice examples of AHPs working as part of multi?disciplinary teams to improve outcomes in intermediate and community care, and for patients with long?term conditions
  • how do we ensure that we commission a workforce that respects the commissioning aspirations of CCGs but also the workforce needs of employers?
  • what opportunities exist for AHPs to engage in conversations about public health teams?

8/12/2015 00:00

8/12/2015 00:00



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