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17th Annual Chronic Diseases Network Conference: "Self Management: A Partnership Approach”.

Vivian Vivian Benítez Hidalgo last modified 15/07/2013 13:00

The conference theme, which was decided on by the delegates from the 2012 CDN Conference, is "Self Management: A Partnership Approach”. The conference will be at the Darwin Convention Centre on September 9- 10, 2013.

Chronic conditions account for over 70% of Australia’s burden of disease, and this is expected to increase to 80% by 2020. In response, the Australian Government has introduced the National Chronic Disease Strategy, with Self Management a key action area.

The NT Chronic Conditions Self Management Framework states that Self management is about the client and their family/carers working in partnership with their health care provider to:


  • understand their conditions and various treatment options,
  • negotiate a plan of care,
  • engage in activities that protect and promote health,
  • monitor and manage the symptoms and signs of the conditions,
  • and manage the impact of the condition on physical functioning, emotions and interpersonal relationships.


The conference will explore this partnership approach to the self management of chronic conditions.


9/09/2013 00:00

10/07/2013 00:00

Darwin Convention Centre



Chronic Diseases Network; Medicare Local Notherm Territory; Healthy LivingNT