13th International Conference on Integrated Care, April 11-12 2013, Berlin, Germany

The importance of integrated care is rising up the global agenda. The relevance of integrated care starts from the premise that it offers benefits for patients and also for Europe’s health and social security systems which are facing the challenges of an ageing population and an increase in chronic conditions. For these benefits to be realised, there is still much to be learnt in terms of the financial systems and incentives that can promote integrated care within limited financial resources; how quality of care for people with complex needs can be improved; what organisational arrangements are needed for the optimal provision of integrated care; and implementation strategies to support the adoption of integrated care solutions ‘at scale’.
Conference Aim and Themes
The aim of this conference is to exchange knowledge, experience and new ideas and projects around 4 key challenges of integrated care:
1. Payment systems and incentives
What are the most productive payment and incentive system for integrated care (IC) with limited financial resources?
The conference will explore the experience and impact of different innovations in payment systems including: bundled payments, shared savings, population-based financing, pay-for-performance, and cooperation fees.
2. Continuity of care and care co-ordination
How can care systems improve continuity of care and care co-ordination for people with multiple long-term and chronic care needs?
The conference will examine how care for multi-morbid patients and the frail elderly can be improved through approaches to care that better support people with complex care needs.
3. Organisational Solutions
What organisational solutions are most conducive to the optimal provision of integrated care?
The conference will debate the pros and cons of creating new integrated care organisations versus co-ordinated networks of care. It will also examine the importance of key organisational functions such as leadership, governance, and information technology. How to assess outcomes?
4. Implementation strategies
What strategies are required at a system level to support the adoption of IC solutions ‘at scale’?
The conference will debate what policy-makers and system leaders need to do to provide a supporting environment for integrated care, including the appropriate balance between ‘top-down’ national directives versus the freedom to allow ‘bottom-up’
11/04/2013 00:00
12/04/2013 00:00
Caroline Downey