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17th annual meeting of the society in Europe for simulation applied to medicine

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 11/04/2011 12:50

Simulation-a limitless training methodology: pushing the limits in education, training and research.

This is the theme for SESAM 2011.  In this 17th SESAM meeting  they would like to focus on the frontiers of simulation-based clinical training and evaluation, exploring the most groundbreaking didactic methodologies, the most advanced technologies, the introduction of simulation into new medical specialities - including surgery - and research into the transfer and impact of training, as well as the accreditation of teachers and simulation centres in order to constantly improve quality, boost professional motivation and reach new levels of patient safety.


2/06/2011 00:00

4/06/2011 00:00



Fundación IAVANTE

Fundación IAVANTE Organization