Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

jessievenegas Jessie Venegas — 12/01/2009

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The Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Branch works to decrease debilitation and death from chronic disease in Kentucky. Emphasis is on prevention and risk factors that can be reduced through healthy lifestyles. The branch stresses the importance of not using or quitting tobacco, increasing physical activity and providing information and education about diabetes, asthma and cardiovascular health. The site includes tools from other organizations that enable members of the public to assess their risk of chronic diseases. In particular, some of these tools are checklists developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to help men and women understand which medical tests and screenings they need to stay healthy at any age. The men's and women's versions of Your Checklist for Health list the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for screening tests, preventive medicine and other healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Fragilidad, pluripatología o polipatología y/o enfermedades crónicas complejas






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