Cognitive state as a conditioner of frailty in the elderly. Perspective from a health centre
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AIM: To determine the influence of the cognitive state on the presence of different frailty factors in the elderly. METHODS: Study of an outpatient elderly population with chronic diseases (resident at home or institutionalised), the presence of different frailty risk factors and their relation to cognitive state (measured using the mini-mental state examination-MEC). RESULTS: Study of 147 elderly people with an average age of 71.4 years and a similar proportion of men (74; 50 ...
Comorbidity, pluripathology, resource use and prognosis of patients hospitalized in internal medicine areas
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OBJECTIVE: To compare the concept of patient with pluripathology (PP) with the index of comorbidity of Charlson (IC) respect to the resources use and prognosis of hospitalized patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An observational prospective study of 207 consecutively hospitalized patients in an internal medicine unit was conducted. The PP, a variant of PP with three or more criteria (PP3), IC and IC fit to the age (ICE) were determined, and their relation with the consumption ...
Evaluation and validation of quality care indicators relative to empowerment in complex chronic disease
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The purpose of the study was to identify, validate and rank, through multi-attribute hierarchical analysis, indicators of quality of care related to the empowerment of patients having a chronic complex illness, or their natural care givers.
Cuando las personas viven con múltiples enfermedades crónicas: aproximación colaborativa hacia un reto global emergente
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El libro ha logrado su objetivo original: actuar como un poderoso estímulo para el esfuerzo colectivo, a través de las fronteras tradicionales, entre las personas interesadas en la mejora de la gestión de las enfermedades crónicas complejas. Sin el incentivo asociado a la creación de algo tan tangible, o la presión generada por los plazos de publicación y fechas de lanzamiento, habría sido difícil de lograr por sí sola, en un período tan corto de ...
Tackling Chronic Disease in Europe
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Chronic conditions and diseases are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Europe, accounting for 86% of total premature deaths, and research suggests that complex conditions such as diabetes and depression will impose an even greater health burden in the future – and not only for the rich and elderly in high-income countries, but increasingly for the poor as well as low- and middle-income countries. The epidemiologic and economic analyses in the first part ...
Primary care and care for chronic cancer patients in Europe: position paper of the European Forum for Primary Care.
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Primary care and care for chronic cancer patients in Europe: position paper of the European Forum for Primary Care.
Ley de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de dependencia
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La atención a las personas en situación de dependencia y la promoción de su autonomía personal constituye uno de los principales retos de la política social de los países desarrollados. El reto no es otro que atender las necesidades de aquellas personas que, por encontrarse en situación de especial vulnerabilidad, requieren apoyos para desarrollar las actividades esenciales de la vida diaria, alcanzar una mayor autonomía personal y poder ejercer plenamente sus derechos de ciudadanía.
Estrategias innovadoras para el cuidado y el autocuidado de personas con enfermedades crónicas en América Latina
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Objetivos. Identificar estrategias innovadoras dirigidas a mejorar el cuidado y el autocuidado de los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas (EC) en América Latina y explorar el interés en crear una red latinoamericana de profesionales en ese campo.
Necesidades del Paciente Crónico en Atención Farmaceútica
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En el Foro APROAFA, Albert Jovell, presidente del Foro Español de Pacientes, presentó el informe que, elaborado por la Universidad de los Pacientes, recoge las 'Necesidades del paciente crónico en atención farmacéutica' y que, por su interés, recogemos en nuestro informativo.
Integrating Chronic Care and Business Strategies in the Safety Net
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Improving the care for the chronically ill is one of the most pressing health needs of our time. The Institute of Medicine’s report, Crossing the Quality Chasm, made clear that there were no easy roads to improvement. Healthcare organizations must redesign their systems of care to better address the needs of their patients with depression, asthma, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. America’s safety net providers have led the way. Today, 10 years after the development ...
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