1.2.3. Morbilidad confluente
1.2.3. Confluent morbidity
Confluent morbidity occurs when the number of chronic conditions and medications taken to control the chronic
condition prevent simple single causal identification of common symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness. In short, confluent morbidity occurs when disease manifestations and medication effects are inseparable [4].
Contents related with this taxonomy
- Los ingresos se reducen un 41% con una UIC para pluripatológicos
by dianagosalvez — 17/02/2011 09:52:58
Descripción según la fuente original: El Hospital Valle del Nalón, en Langreo, puso en marcha en 2006 una unidad de insuficiencia cardiaca (UIC) con pacientes pluripatológicos y gestionada por internistas
- La esperanza de vida y el envejecimiento poblacional siguen creciendo en España
by dianagosalvez — 25/03/2011 12:50:20
Descripción según la fuente original: Según la última actualización de las Tablas de Mortalidad de España y sus regiones del Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE)...
- Multimorbidity and functional decline in community-dwelling adults: a systematic review
by dianagosalvez — 26/10/2015 16:19:35
Multimorbidity affects up to one quarter of primary care populations. It is associated with reduced quality of life, an increased risk of mental health difficulties and increased healthcare utilisation. Functional decline is defined as developing difficulties with activities of daily living and is independently associated with poorer health outcomes. The aim of this systematic review was to examine the association between multimorbidity and functional decline and to what extent multimorbidity predicts future functional decline.
- Managing multimorbidity in primary care in patients with chronic respiratory conditions
by dianagosalvez — 6/10/2016 13:03:15
The term multimorbidity is usually defined as the coexistence of two or more chronic conditions within an individual, whereas the term comorbidity traditionally describes patients with an index condition and one or more additional conditions.
- Methodology to Estimate the Longitudinal Average Attributable Fraction of Guideline-recommended Medications for Death in Older Adults With Multiple Chronic Conditions
by dianagosalvez — 6/10/2016 13:16:38
Persons with multiple chronic conditions receive multiple guideline-recommended medications to improve outcomes such as mortality. Our objective was to estimate the longitudinal average attributable fraction for 3-year survival of medications for cardiovascular conditions in persons with multiple chronic conditions and to determine whether heterogeneity occurred by age.
- Utilidad del índice PROFUND para predecir la mortalidad a los 4 años en pacientes pluripatológicos
by dianagosalvez — 8/11/2016 15:33:52
El objetivo de este artículo es determinar la validez del índice PROFUND para establecer el riesgo de muerte global a los 4 años en pacientes pluripatológicos.
- Relationship between health-related quality of life, perceived family support and unmet health needs in adult patients with multimorbidity attending primary care in Portugal: a multicentre cross-sectional study.
by dianagosalvez — 6/02/2017 15:16:31
Multimorbidity has a high prevalence in the primary care context and it is frequently associated with worse health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Few studies evaluated the variables that could have a potential effect on HRQoL of primary care patients with multimorbidity. The purpose of this study, the first of its kind ever undertaken in Portugal, is to analyse the relationship between multimorbidity, health-related quality of life, perceived family support and unmet health needs in adult patients attending primary care.
- ¿Qué es importante para las personas mayores con multimorbilidad y sus cuidadores? Identificar los atributos del cuidado centrado en la persona desde la perspectiva del usuario
by dianagosalvez — 15/09/2019 12:06:25
Los sistemas de salud se esfuerzan por diseñar y prestar una atención que esté "centrada en la persona" y que esté alineada con las necesidades y preferencias de quienes la reciben; sin embargo, no está claro qué valoran las personas mayores y sus cuidadores en su atención. Este documento captura los atributos del cuidado que son importantes para las personas mayores y sus cuidadores.
- International symposium: Multimorbidity research at the cross-roads: developing the evidence for clinical practice and health policy
by dianagosalvez — 24/01/2018 13:31:50
The International symposium was held in Stockholm on the 21st of May aboured the topic "Multimorbidity research at the cross-roads: developing the evidence for clinical practice and health policy".
- Socio-economic inequalities in life expectancy of older adults with and without multimorbidity: a record linkage study of 1.1 million people in England.
by dianagosalvez — 20/09/2019 12:55:45
Age of onset of multimorbidity and its prevalence are well documented. However, its contribution to inequalities in life expectancy has yet to be quantified.
- Utilización de los servicios de salud de atención primaria en los pacientes crónicos según nivel de riesgo
by dianagosalvez — 25/10/2019 12:18:24
Los pacientes crónicos sufren mayor número de problemas de salud y tienen mayores necesidades de asistencia y cuidados. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la utilización de servicios de salud de Atención Primaria en los pacientes crónicos según el nivel de riesgo asignado por los grupos de morbilidad ajustados (GMA), así como analizar los factores asociados.
- La app NECPAL 4.0 permite detectar precozmente necesidades paliativas de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas avanzadas
by dianagosalvez — 17/02/2022 14:33:12
Descripción según la fuente original: La app NECPAL 4.0 permite detectar precozmente necesidades paliativas de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas avanzadas.