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Situación cognitiva como condicionante de fragilidad en el anciano. Perspectiva desde un centro de salud

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Clinical Care in the Aging Century— Announcing "Care of the Aging Patient: From Evidence to Action"

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Situación sociofamiliar, valoración funcional y enfermedades prevalentes del adulto mayor que acude a establecimientos de primer nivel de atención

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Impacto del envejecimiento de la población en la actividad de los centros de salud

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Desarrollo de criterios, indicadores de complejidad y estrategias de manejo en fragilidad

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Peeking through the cracks: An assessment of the prevalence, clinical characteristics and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of people with polypathology in a hospital setting

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Care Management of Patients with Complex Health Care Needs

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El paciente pluripatológico: un desafío para la medicina interna

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Epidemiological Features of Comorbidity and its Influence on the Use of Health Services from Health Survey.

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Delivering Healthcare to Dependent Individuals: Towards a Joint Care Model using Evidence-based Contributions

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