A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Frailty and Functional Decline, Both Physical and Cognitive, in Older People
Diana Gosálvez Prados
— last modified 5/12/2013 12:09
The good practices in this document were written by the Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Frailty and Functional Decline, Both Physical and Cognitive, in Older People Group members in July-August 2013.
A3 Prevention of frailty Group. A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Frailty and Functional Decline, Both Physical and Cognitive, in Older People. Brussels: European Commission; 2013. Available at:
B3 Integrated Care Action Group.A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring at regional level. Brussels: European Commission; 2013. Available at: - See more at: http://www.opimec.org/documentacion/3262/a-compilation-of-good-practices/#sthash.qejfn3NJ.dpuf
The need to have a clearer picture of on-going interventions to prevent and tackle frailty in old age in Europe pushed the Action Group on "Prevention of frailty" to collect in a booklet their good practices in this field. The final text gathers 98 good practices coming from 14 Member States.
A3 Prevention of frailty Group.
- European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) Organization
- Action Plan for EIP AHA: B3 Integrated Care Publications
- B3 Action Group "Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring at regional level": A compilation of good practices. EIP on AHA Publications
- 2nd Conference of Partners: Scaling up for Healthy Growth Event Item
- A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Prescription and Adherence to Medical Plans Publications