A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Frailty and Functional Decline, Both Physical and Cognitive, in Older People

The good practices in this document were written by the Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Frailty and Functional Decline, Both Physical and Cognitive, in Older People Group members in July-August 2013.
A3 Prevention of frailty Group. A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Frailty and Functional Decline, Both Physical and Cognitive, in Older People. Brussels: European Commission; 2013. Available at:
B3 Integrated Care Action Group.A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring at regional level. Brussels: European Commission; 2013. Available at: - See more at: http://www.opimec.org/documentacion/3262/a-compilation-of-good-practices/#sthash.qejfn3NJ.dpuf
The need to have a clearer picture of on-going interventions to prevent and tackle frailty in old age in Europe pushed the Action Group on "Prevention of frailty" to collect in a booklet their good practices in this field. The final text gathers 98 good practices coming from 14 Member States.
A3 Prevention of frailty Group.
- European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) Organization
- Action Plan for EIP AHA: B3 Integrated Care Publications
- B3 Action Group "Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring at regional level": A compilation of good practices. EIP on AHA Publications
- 2nd Conference of Partners: Scaling up for Healthy Growth Event Item
- A compilation of Good Practices: Action Group on Prescription and Adherence to Medical Plans Publications