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An Answer to Chronicity in the Basque Country: Primary Care-Based Population Health Management

dianagosalvez Diana Gosálvez Prados last modified 13/06/2012 11:17

Chronic conditions have an impact on individuals since they represent a restraint on quality of life, functional status, and productivity of people who suffer from them but they also compromise the sustainability of health systems.

Nuño-Solinís R, Orueta JF, Mateos M. An Answer to Chronicity in the Basque Country: Primary Care-Based Population Health Management. J Ambulatory Care Manage. 2012; 35(3): 167-173. Available at: http://journals.lww.com/ambulatorycaremanagement/Abstract/2012/07000/An_Answer_to_Chronicity_in_the_Basque_Country_.3.aspx


In 2010, the Strategy for Tackling the Challenge of Chronicity in the Basque Country was published. It contains policies and projects aimed at reinventing the health delivery model with the purpose of improving the quality of care for chronic patients and advancing toward a more sustainable, proactive, and integrated model. We present 3 projects here: population stratification, integrated care initiatives, and innovation from health care staff.

Nuño-Solinís R, Orueta JF, Mateos M.

Management models