Promotores and The Chronic Care Model: An Organizational Assessment
Diana Gosálvez Prados
— last modified 3/06/2011 13:21
Although promising research is developing related to promotores and the Chronic Care Model (CCM), studies of the effectiveness of the integration of these two system innovations in addressing health disparities are limited.
Keller T, Borges WJ, Hoke MM, Radasa T. Promotores and The Chronic Care Model: An Organizational Assessment. J Community Health Nurs. 2011; 28(2):70-80. Available at:
This article reports on an organizational assessment and analysis of promotores working in a system of federally-sponsored community health clinics along the United States-Mexico border where the CCM has been operationalized. The work of promotores was found to be largely invisible within the CCM. This highlights the need for further investigation if the potential of these combined system innovations to address health disparities among Hispanics is to be realized.
Journal of Community Health Nursing
América Central y del Sur
address health, among hispanic, assessment, care, care model, ccm, chronic, chronic care , disparity, health, health disparity, hispanic, innovation, model, organizational
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