PALANTE; Patients Leading and mANaging their healThcare through EHealth

The main goal of PALANTE is to empower patients so they are able to make informed decisions about their health, take an active role in their care and collaborate effectively with their healthcare team thanks to the use of information and communication technologies. The project considers 7 new pilots in different European regions and 2 additional on-going experiences. The pilots have been carefully selected to cover different levels of patient empowerment and chronic disease management. Overall, the project mobilizes 21 partners in 10 different countries and 69.550 potential new users. Pilot teams of public- private partnerships ensure all the key stakeholders are involved in the eHealth provision. Through these pilots the PALANTE project aims to maximize the potential of ICT technologies by validating at a large scale a significant number of pilots so all the mechanisms involved in patient empowerment are addressed.
Diabetes, Fragility, pluripathology/polipathology and/or complex chronic diseases, All
In Andalusia, the aim of the pilot is to demonstrate the benefits of the services that are focused on patients with diabetes. The Andalusian Public Health System responsible for the provision of healthcare and public health services uses an electronic healthcare management and information system called DIRAYA. The platform provides many features, and given the advanced status of the current infrastructure, the aim of this pilot is to open the information stored in the electronic health record to each patient, in a safe and secure way. Patients’ access to their personal health record will allow them to manage their diseases in a better way. This is of particular interest for people with diabetes, who will benefit from accessing to their health information, having the chance to include information themselves and communicating with their healthcare team using this common platform. The pilot offers the following services:
- Patient’s access to their personal health record
- Patient’s management of their personal health information
- Chronic disease management support services
- Tailored education and lifestyle guidance
The potential number of patients that will benefit is 7.000 people. However it is estimated that there are around 700.000 people with diabetes in Andalusia, meaning that 1% of this population will be included.
The providers are the Andalusian Health Service (includes hospitals and health centres that will be involved in the service provision), and the technology provider INDRA, IT provider that offers also a call center and the maintenance of the portal Tratamiento 2.0. The PALANTE project is funded by the European Union´s ICT Policy Support Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme. After the evaluation of the service piloted during the PALANTE project, it will be included in the Information System maintenance contract of the Andalusian Healthcare Service. The ehealth portal is a free service and the different type of devices (as glucometers) are yet included into the pharmaceutical assistance and they does not add any additional costs to the patients.
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