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Cambodian Ministry of Health

jessievenegas Jessie Venegas — 13/07/2009


MoH is leading government institution to be responsible for administrating and managing health services in Cambodia. MoH is solely responsible for all aspects related to health including development of strategic plan, implementation and evaluation of the public health services in Cambodia. In order to provide effective and efficient health services to people, MoH has set up its organization chart in the MoH Headquarter and separated roles and responsibilities in the province and district level. Under the sub decree as mentioned above, the Ministry of Health organizational chart was developed with clear roles and responsibilities with all level. This organization has been highlighted for its work in partnership with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to create chronic disease clinics to integrate HIV/AIDS care with the management of diabetes and hypertension in two provincial capitals, Takeo and Siem Reap.

Diabetes, Heart failure, AIDS


Phnom Penh
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