References: Genomics, robotics, informatics and nanotechnologies
The following are the references that support chapter 10 (back to chapter 10).
Feel free to review them and to suggest improvements by clicking on the yellow bubble marked 'Comments' that appears on the right top corner of each section.
Table of contents
- 1. Naciones Unidas. Estudio Económico y Social Mundial 2007. El desarrollo en un mundo que envejece. Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales. Nueva York: Naciones Unidas; 2007.
- 2. Swain H. Las grandes preguntas de la ciencia. ¿Todavía evolucionamos?. Barcelona: Crítica; 2003. Pag. 251
- 3. Jadad AR, Enkin MW. Computers: transcending our limits? BMJ. 2007; 334(Suppl 1):s8.
- 4. Kurzweil R. The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence. New York: Penguin Group; 2000.
- 5. Garreau J. Radical evolution: the promise and peril of enhancing our minds, our bodies—and what it means to be human. New York: Doubleday; 2005.
- 6. Sweta S, Upkar V. Enabling ubiquitous patient monitoring: Model, decision protocols, opportunities and challenges. Decision Support Systems. 2009; 46(3):606-619.
- 7. The Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme [Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
- 8. Revista eSalud[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:; Instituto para el Bienestar Ciudadano(I2BC)[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
- 9 Future Medicine [Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:.
- 10. Costello AJ. Installation of telerobotic surgery and initial experience with telerobotic radical prostatectomy. BJU International. 2005; 96(1):34-38.
- 11. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
- 12. Lorca J, Jadad AR. ¿Salud 2.0?; 5(19).
- 13. Palen L, Liu SB. Citizen Communications in Crisis: Anticipating a Future of ICT-Supported Public Participation. En: CHI 2007 Proceedings. San Jose; 28 Abril-3 de Mayo 2007.
- 14. Tapscott D, Williams AD. Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything. New York: Penguin Group; 2007.
- 15. Patients like me[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
- 16. DeBronkart D. Gimme My Damn Data!. En: Medicina 2.0. Toronto; 2009
- 17. Scotch M, Yip KY, Cheung KH. Development of grid-like applications for public health using Web 2.0 mashup techniques. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2008;15(6):783-6.
- 18. Lorca J. Registro de salud en línea. Diario de Sevilla. 6 de Marzo de 2008.
- 19. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
- 20. Samitier J. Presentación del Lanzamiento Público de la Plataforma Española de Nanomedicina. 2005.
- 21. Nano biosensors and molecular biophysics[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
- 22. Lechuga Gómez LM. La revolución de la nanomedicina. Sedisa. 2008;38-43.
- 23. Park JH, Gu L, Von Maltzahn G, Ruoslahti E, Bhatia SN, Sailor MJ. Biodegradable luminescent porous silicon nanoparticles for in vivo applications. Nat Mater.2009;8(4): 331-6.
- 24. La crónica de hoy[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
- 25.Nanowerk[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
- 26. [Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Kurzweill J. The Singularity is near. Available at:
- 27. Wright R. A short history of progress. New York: Carroll & Graf; 2005.
- 28. Diamond J. Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed. New York: Viking; 2004.
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8. Revista eSalud[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:; Instituto para el Bienestar Ciudadano(I2BC)[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
9 Future Medicine [Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:.
11. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
15. Patients like me[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
19. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
21. Nano biosensors and molecular biophysics[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
24. La crónica de hoy[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
25.Nanowerk[Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Available at:
26. [Web site]. [Access date April 21st, 2010]. Kurzweill J. The Singularity is near. Available at:
- The Promise of genomics, robotics, informatics and nanotechnologies Collaborative document