References: Integrative medicine
The following are the references that support chapter 8 (back to chapter 8).
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Table of contents
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- 83. Weisfeld V. Summit on integrative medicine & the health of the public: issue background & overview. Washington D.C.: Institute of Medicine (IOM); February 2009. Available at:
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More information here
3. Golden J. "An Argument That Goes Back To The Womb": The Demedicalization Of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 1973-1992. Journal of Social History. 1999. Available at:
5. National Center for Complementary Medicine (NC-CAM).[Web site]. [Access date April 30, 2010]. What is complementary and alternative medicine?. Available at:
11. UCSF. Osher Center for Integrative Medicine.[Web site]. [Access date July 10, 2009].Integrative Medicine. Available at:
12. Kam K. What is Integrative Medicine? WebMD Feature Article. Available at:
17. Walter S. Holistic Health in: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Body-Mind Disciplines. New York: Rosen Publishing Group; 1999. Available at:
22. White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy.[Web site]. [Access date April 1st, 2009]. Final Report 2002. Available at:
30. Barnes PM, Bloom B, Nahin R. CDC National Health Statistics Report #12. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Adults and Children: United States, 2007. December 2008. Available at:
31. Pagan J, Pauly MV. Access to Conventional Medical Care and The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Health Aff. 2005;24(1):255-62. Available at:
33. World Health Organization. [Web site]. [Access date April 1st, 2010].Traditional Medicine. Fact sheet. 2008;(134). Available at:
35.World Health Organization.[Web Site].[Access date April 1st, 2010] Traditional Medicine Strategy 2002-2005. Available at:
61. Ernst E. How Much of CAM is Based on Research Evidence?. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009. [Epub ahead of print]. Available at:
71. Topinkova E. Care for elders with chronic disease and disability. Hastings Center Report. 14 Sep, 2009. Available at:
72. Willison KD. Promoting Self-Care and Chronic Disease Management through a Community Based Research Approach. Ontario Health Promotion E-Bulletin. 2006; 2006(480). Available at:
75. World Health Organization. [Web site]. [Access date April 1st, 2010]. WHO Collaborating Centres for Tradicional Medicine. Available at:
76. American Hospital Association. [Web Site]. [Acces date April 1st, 2010]. Statistics book, 2004. Available at:
77. Allen D, Fenwick M. Latest Survey Shows More Hospitals Offering Complementary and Alternative Medicine Services. Chicago: American Hospital Association; September 15, 2008. Available at:
83. Weisfeld V. Summit on integrative medicine & the health of the public: issue background & overview. Washington D.C.: Institute of Medicine (IOM); February 2009. Available at:
- Integrative medicine Collaborative document