References: The Language of polypathology
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Table of contents
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- 14. Bernabeu-Wittel M, Jadad A, Moreno-Gaviño L, Hernández-Quiles C, Toscano F, Cassani M, Ramírez N, Ollero-Baturone M. Peeking through the cracks: An assessment of the prevalence, clinical characteristics and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of people with polypathology in a hospital setting. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2009;(12).
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1. Lenker J. Measuring interventions in AT (Assistive Technology) Service Delivery Practice. In: Development of AT-ISI. Proceedings of the AAATE 2008 International Workshop. Milano, 25-26 September 2008. Available at:

13. Ollero-Baturone M (coordinator), Álvarez-Tello M, Barón-Franco B, Bernabeu-Wittel M, et al. Atención al paciente pluripatológico: Proceso Asistencial Integrado. 2ª ed. Sevilla: Consejería de Salud; 2007. Available at:

14. Bernabeu-Wittel M, Jadad A, Moreno-Gaviño L, Hernández-Quiles C, Toscano F, Cassani M, Ramírez N, Ollero-Baturone M. Peeking through the cracks: An assessment of the prevalence, clinical characteristics and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of people with polypathology in a hospital setting. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2009;(12).

16. Ollero-Baturone M (coordinador), Álvarez-Tello M, Barón-Franco B, Bernabeu-Wittel M, et al. Atención al paciente pluripatológico: Proceso Asistencial Integrado. 2ª ed.Sevilla: Consejería de Salud; 2007. Available at:

37. Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna(SEMI). [Web site]. Madrid: SEMI. [Access date April 27th, 2010]. Grupos de Trabajo FEMI. Pacientes Pluripatológicos y Edad Avanzada. Available at:

42. Observatory of Innovative Practices for Complex Chronic Diseases Management. [Web site]. [Access date April 27th, 2010]. Taxonomy. Available at:

- The language of polypathology Collaborative document