EU Marketplace for eHealth & EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing
From Monday 22/09/2014 to Monday 22/09/2014 - Show description
- The EU Marketplace for eHealth & EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing will run on Monday 22 September, as a part of the "Growing the Silver Economy in Europe" event on Tuesday 23 September in Brussels.
European Research Forum – Discoveries and Innovations for Healthy Ageing
From Wednesday 03/09/2014 to Wednesday 03/09/2014 - Show description
- Europe is in the midst of an unforeseen demographic change, with the number of persons over the age of 60 reaching 2 billion by 2050. Therefore, the ageing population and its implications for society is a field of research of ever increasing interest – especially within the area of healthy aging. What is the secret to a long life? And what can we do to ensure the health and well-being of our elderly?
Training in Improving Care for People with Multiple Chronic Diseases
From Monday 07/07/2014 to Wednesday 31/12/2014 - Show description
- This online course (in Spanish) is taught by the Andalusian School of Public Health (Spain). It has a duration of 60 hours and is for healthcare professionals whose work is related to chronic diseases.
II Congreso SEMERGEN de Pacientes crónicos 2014
From Wednesday 11/06/2014 to Thursday 12/06/2014 - Show description
- Los días 11 y 12 de junio de 2014 celebramos en la Madrid el II Congreso Nacional de SEMERGEN de Paciente Crónicos.
Taller: GESTIÓN DEL PACIENTE CRÓNICO. Del error a la solución. Edición 2014
From Sunday 25/05/2014 to Monday 25/05/2015 - Show description
- Esteve, en colaboración con la SEMFYC, SEMG y SEMERGEN te presenta el Taller GESTIÓN DEL PACIENTE CRÓNICO, del error a la solución. Un curso que consta de 3 casos prácticos presentados en formato webcast. Podrás ver un ponente presentando el caso, descargarte el material didáctico y realizar un examen para obtener tus créditos.
Integrating Health and Social Care
From Tuesday 20/05/2014 to Tuesday 20/05/2014 - Show description
- In 2010, the government set out its plans for reforming the NHS in ‘Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS’. It stated that the primary purpose of the NHS is to improve the outcomes of healthcare for all: to deliver care that is safer, more effective, and that provides a better experience for patients.
From Friday 16/05/2014 to Tuesday 27/05/2014 - Show description
- V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL VIRTUAL DE ENFERMERÍA Y FISIOTERAPIA "Ciudad de Granada", se realizará completamente a través de Internet desde el 16 al 27 de mayo de 2014, siendo la temática abordada La Seguridad del Paciente: Asistencia sanitaria de calidad y promoción de salud. La Secretaría Técnica estará ubicada en Granada (España). Está constituido por 9 salas virtuales (8 para cada área específica de enfermería y 1 para fisioterapia). SALA 1: Área Médica. SALA 2: Área ...
Formación en Atención Integrada a Pacientes con Enfermedades Crónicas
From Tuesday 29/04/2014 to Monday 22/09/2014 - Show description
- Formación en línea dirigida a profesionales con actividad asistencial a pacientes con enfermedades crónicas.
Geneva Health Forum 2014 Global Health: Interconnected Challenges, Integrated Solutions
From Tuesday 15/04/2014 to Thursday 17/04/2014 - Show description
- The 5th edition of the Geneva Health Forum will take place in Geneva from 15-17 April 2014. This international forum which aims to link policy and practice in the field of global health, gathers every two years, in Geneva, approximately one thousand people from more than one hundred countries, from various sectors and professional backgrounds to debate and share around the most pressing contemporary global health issues, giving a prominent voice to those at the ...
Informe Cronos: hacia el cambio de paradigma en la atención a enfermos crónicos
From Thursday 10/04/2014 to Thursday 10/04/2014 - Show description
- El Informe Cronos pretende ser una herramienta que facilite una prestación sanitaria de valor a los pacientes crónicos (tema prioritario en la agenda sanitaria). En él, han identificado experiencias de éxito a nivel regional, nacional e internacional y reflexionado sobre las bases que piensan facilitarán la transición hacia ese modelo de gestión.
Eventos y convocatorias (cursos, congresos, becas, premios y otros) de ámbito autonómico, nacional e internacional relacionadas con la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas.
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