XIV Congreso Sociedad Andaluza de Calidad Asistencial (SADECA)
From Tuesday 20/10/2009 to Friday 23/10/2009 - Show description
- La calidad como compromiso
V Meeting Pluripathology and Elderly Patient
From Thursday 15/10/2009 to Friday 16/10/2009 - Show description
- The goal in this next meeting in Tarragona is to get a program with great scientific and practical appeal not only to Spanish internists but also for other specialties like geriatrics, family medicine and others, in which attention to multimorbidity patient and elderly is an important part of their daily care activities. Another goal that we should not give up is continuing to propose a multisite research projects in which participation of different members of ...
XIX Congreso Español de Pediatría Social
From Thursday 15/10/2009 to Saturday 17/10/2009 - Show description
- La ciudad de Sevilla acoge durante los días 15, 16 y 17 de Octubre del 2009 el XIX Congreso Español de Pediatría Social, con el título: “Infancia y diversidad: presente y futuro”. Desde una perspectiva multi e interdisciplinar, se abordarán numerosos temas de indudable actualidad, con la atractiva presencia de destacados especialistas.
Clinical Discussion Forum Management 2.0: New perspectives for a new decade
From Tuesday 13/10/2009 to Tuesday 13/10/2009 - Show description
- This "new generation of clinical management," something of a Clinical Management 2.0, both for the essential role that the Internet represents their performance, for the change of rules that inevitably arises given the active participation of all stakeholders (patients professionals, managers, politicians ...), is the reason of analysis, reflection and proposals of the Forum.
Health 2009
From Thursday 08/10/2009 to Friday 09/10/2009 - Show description
- With health insurance presenting growth opportunities in Europe for both life and non-life insurance companies; telemedicine practitioners, pharmaceutical producers, chronic care managers and health care policy makers and innovators are seeing the current climate as a chance to flourish in their respective markets.
Symposium Internacional Iavante 2009
From Thursday 08/10/2009 to Thursday 08/10/2009 - Show description
- El Symposium Internacional Iavante 2009 se centrará en los más recientes avances en gestión de la innovación abierta, en experiencias pioneras en los procesos de innovación conducida por los usuarios y contará con expertos de referencia internacional sobre las tendencias mencionadas y las mejores prácticas para ponerlas en valor.
The 21st Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology
From Wednesday 07/10/2009 to Friday 09/10/2009 - Show description
- You are invited to an amazing conference on High-Tech in Medicine. Join in this opportunity to touch the Future of Medicine at the first visit of SMIT in the Eastern-European area.
VI Congreso Nacional de Enfermería de Atención Primaria
From Thursday 01/10/2009 to Saturday 03/10/2009 - Show description
- El próximo VI Congreso Nacional de Enfermería Comunitaria se celebrará en Oviedo, los días 1,2 y 3 de Octubre del 2009. SEAPA (Sociedad de Enfermería Asturiana de Atención Primaria), será la encargada, en esta ocasión, de organizarlo en colaboración con FAECAP (Federación de Asociaciones de Enfermería Comunitaria y de Atención Primaria). La sede que acogerá el evento será “El Auditorio Príncipe Felipe”.
IV Jornadas de Ensayos Clínicos Andalucía 2009
From Thursday 25/06/2009 to Friday 26/06/2009 - Show description
- Los Ensayos Clínicos constituyen la mejor herramienta para profundizar en el conocimiento de las acciones de los medicamentos así como su perfil de eficacia y seguridad.
Success in a Changing Market: Innovation, Funding, Communication
From Wednesday 24/06/2009 to Friday 26/06/2009 - Show description
- Effective and confident health management is pivotal to meeting the challenges facing Europe’s health systems, under pressure from demographic change and operating in a rapidly changing market and the difficulties of global economic slowdown.
Eventos y convocatorias (cursos, congresos, becas, premios y otros) de ámbito autonómico, nacional e internacional relacionadas con la gestión de Enfermedades Crónicas Complejas.
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